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Below you'll find a list of virtual series based on genre. Just click the title or the TV to go to the show's home page. For the directory of episode synopsis' for the month visit the TIMES link above.

Watchers - In this spin-off of Buffy:TVS Giles and Willow Rosenberg head to the nearest Hellmouth in Cleveland to battle the forces of darkness while rebuilding the Watcher Council. 


Buffy Season 8 - With the destruction of Sunnydale, Buffy and the rest of  the Scoobies travel to Cleveland where another Hellmouth lies beneath.


Rogue - Spin-off of Angel Season Four where Wesley leaves for New Hope, OR and finds danger and a few friends.


Virtualunatics - Season 8 of  Buffy: TVS for Buffy/Giles shippers as they continue their fight against evil.


Buffy Season Eight
Buffy and the Scoobies retire to Hadenfield where they live their new lives. With new friends and new evil enemies, they keep on with the battle against evil.

Watchers Council's Chronicles 
Story following the Watchers Council before Buffy's arrival as the Chosen One. 

Buffy: The Chosen
New town. New rules. Same old Hellmouth. Buffy and the gang continue to fight evil in this Virtual 8th Season of Buffy.



Buffy: The Chosen
New town. New rules. Same old Hellmouth. Buffy and the gang continue to fight evil in this Virtual 8th Season of Buffy.


Quantum Retribution - Everything must have its opposite -- even Quantum Leap. Here, Lothos rules supreme, and chaos and mayhem seem to go hand in hand.

Watchers Council's Chronicles 
Story following the Watchers Council before Buffy's arrival as the Chosen One. 

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